
DistintinctiveMed provides health care organizations with various PPE including surgical gowns, isolation gowns, surgical isolation gowns, nonsurgical gowns, procedural gowns, and operating room gowns. Quick turnaround, in-stock options, volume based orders and pre-scheduled calendar allocations. Our sources include top brands across the globe.

Surgical gowns play an important role in preventing cross contamination and intended to be worn by health care professional during surgical procedures to protect both the patient personnel. When you're looking for operating room protection (also known as PPE or personal protective equipment), surgical gowns are your first line of defense. Gowns are play an important role of an overall infection-control strategy are used to protect the spread of infection or illness from contact with potentially infectious liquid and solid material.

In 2004, the FDA recognized the consensus standard American National Standards Institute/Association of the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (ANSI/AAMI) PB70:2003, "Liquid barrier performance and classification of protective apparel and drapes intended for use in health care facilities." New terminology in the standard describes the barrier protection levels of gowns and other protective apparel intended for use in health care facilities and specifies test methods and performance results necessary to verify and validate that the gown provides the newly defined levels of protection:

"DistinctiveMed is proud to be a trusted & viable PPE partner to healthcare, government and corporate organizations." - Paul Sposito, President

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